Here is a super simple and effective way to use essential oils for customized deep conditioning treatments for specific hair types. The whole idea is based on the Essential Oils for Hair Chart. Here’s how to get started…
3 Steps to Customizing Hair Deep Conditioner
1. Find you hair type or problem area.
Using the chart link above, determine your hair type (dry, normal or oily) or concern (dandruff, hair growth, hair loss, alopecia, or fragile) that you want to work on.
2. Select your essential oils.
For the hair type or problem area you are dealing with, look down the column at the list of essential oils and select 1 to 5 different oils. You can use all of one essential oil type, or mix several together. It is always preferred (and cheaper!) to start with fewer oild and add more, or switch them up, if you aren’t getting the results you are looking for.
You will also notice by the color-coding that there are several oils that can be used for multiple hair types or problem areas. Every essential oil has many chemical characteristics, and some more than others. This makes them multi-purpose.
Say you have normal hair (not too oily or too dry ) that you want to grow, or that is fragile from a lot of over processing (perming, heat drying and styling). Depending on your needs, you might find essential oils that can give multiple benefits.
3. Pick your preferred base (or carrier) oil.
Next, notice that jojoba and borage seed oil are universally acceptable base oils for all hair types or problem areas. If you have super dry hair, avocado or coco butter are good ones to try instead.
You will notice that for some problem areas there were no base oils given in the source information. In that case, you could use jojoba or borage, or try one of the others that most closely matches your hair type.
Deep Conditioner Recipe
In a 2 oz amber glass or other colored bottle mix:
- 15 to 25 drops of essential oils (total)
- fill rest of bottle with base oil of choice.
This ratio will give you a 1.5% (15 drops) to 2% (25 drops) strength blend.
Depending on how often you use it, and how long your hair is, this could last several months.
That’s it!!!
How to Use:
You can use the deep conditioner directly out of the 2 oz glass bottle. However, I like to use the glass bottle as the ‘storage bottle’ and transfer a small amount to a plastic, pointy-tip bottle (like an eye drops bottle) for application purposes. This allows me to get the deep conditioner as close to the scalp as possible, which is what you want.
This is because essential oils work at the cellular level: increasing circulation, having astringent, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties as well as a whole host of other benefits. After you apply it to the scalp, massage the oils in and down your hair strands, all the way to the ends.
Apply the deep conditioner once a week or so. Leave it in anywhere from overnight (put a towel on your pillow!) to 1-2 hours before washing your hair.
Personally, I find that leaving it on for an hour or two while I’m cleaning house, go for a bike ride or some other activity is plenty. One time this summer, I went to pull weeds and unintentionally left it in for about 5 hours….Oops!!
With that amount of time and the sun warming the oils, my hair REALLY soaked it in. I washed and washed, and my hair looked stringy for 3 days…Note to Self: don’t do that again!!
For a long time, I only had a a few essential oils, so I used lavender, rosemary and sometimes lemon essential oils. After putting the chart together and realizing all the different oils that were good for hair, I’ve expanded my essential oil supply. I’m going primarily for minimizing hair loss – I am mid-50s and right at that ‘thinning hair’ age – YIKES!
I mixed up a batch with ylang ylang, cypress and clary sage in combination with lavender and rosemary about two months ago, and I use it about weekly.
Interestingly, I noticed a few days ago all these baby hairs around my hairline – YAY! The only other thing I did about the same time is start taking bamboo extract which I bought here. I forgot…! I also started using random combinations of other ‘hair loss/growth’ essential oils in my shampoo and hair gel about the same time.
What to you think? Do you have any tips to add? If so, I’d love to hear them.
Disclaimer: I am not a health care practitioner, aromatherapist or any other medical professional. If you have a medical condition, please seek medical assistance before starting any home remedy. A link in this post is a referral link. You will receive a discount from purchases made through this link and I will receive some compensation from purchases you may make from this site. Naturally, you are not obligated to do so; however, please know I appreciate it if you do.
Pam is an experienced, professional, freelance B2B copywriter, consultant and trainer. She blends her love of studying God’s Word and interests in natural beauty, health and home alternatives and communication skills to bring you resources to improve your everyday life. You can also find her at

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