{Update: This post was originally written by Homestead Lady for Essential Survival, who opted to take down her website during the FDA crackdown on essential oils in 2014 (? I think). The post isn’t on Homestead Lady’s website, so the link below is removed. However, I encourage you to check out Homestead Lady’s website here for more great content! – Pam}
[How many of these do you have in your yard or garden? I have at least 1. Here’s an except. Click the link at the bottom for the full article.- Pam]
I don’t even know how many times I’ve needed to stop bleeding in the garden. Clippers run amuck, children fall from trees, even the goats knick themselves playing queen of the mountain. I use my herbal antiseptic salve all the time when I’m indoors but if I’m already outside and the salve is clear inside and I have a Band-Aid in my back pocket (I have five small children), then why not just rummage around my garden beds until I find styptic weeds: herbs to stop bleeding.
Styptic Weeds
Weeds are, for the most part, herbs that haven’t had the good manners to learn to grow in rows. So many plants we consider weeds are, in fact, incredibly handy herbs in the kitchen and in the herbal medicine chest. Think “dandelions”.
There are weedy herbs (maybe we should take to calling them “werbs” and set a trend) that will stop bleeding – several, actually. We’ll be confining our discussion to five common styptic weeds that you’ll most likely find anywhere in the continental U.S. and many other places around the world. Even if these herbs don’t grow in the wild where you live, they’re not too fussy about their habitat and can be started from seed for your herb gardens.
Via Essential Survival – 5 Styptic Weeds – Herbs to Stop Bleeding. (website no longer available:( )
Pam is an experienced, professional, freelance B2B copywriter, consultant and trainer. She blends her love of studying God’s Word and interests in natural beauty, health and home alternatives and communication skills to bring you resources to improve your everyday life. You can also find her at

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