It’s that time of year again…summer break, holiday cookouts, outdoor sports gearing up, and generally everyone spending more time outdoors. It’s also the time of year when bugs are more pesky. Here is an all natural bug repellent recipe that is suitable for children and those with sensitive skin.
All Natural Bug Repellent Recipe
A clean spray bottle (prefer a colored bottle – to protect essential oil decomposition from sunlight exposure).
You might want to make a smaller quantity until you get the strength that works for your family. For this example we will use a 4 oz bottle.
1. Fill to half (2 oz) with apple cider vinegar.
2. Add 40-50 drops essential oils total in any combination you like (example: 10 to 12 drops each oil). Recommended essential oils to use are:
Sweet orange
Eucalyptus or lemon eucalyptus
All these oils are easy to obtain and suitable for children and those with sensitive skin when diluted. Other oils are also acceptable but some may be very strong, and not suitable unless diluted properly. If you use other oils, make sure you dilute properly so that there is no sensitivity reaction.
3. Fill to top with approximately 2 oz witch hazel as emulsifier (as an alternate you could use vodka or grain alcohol).
Use a few times to see how it works for your family. If you aren’t getting good results, you can adjust strength accordingly.
Various smaller-sized spray bottles can be found at your local health food store. Sometimes you can upcycle brown or white colored bottles from the pharmacy section, too, depending on what was in them, and put a spray topper on them.
If you don’t have a colored plastic or glass bottle, you can store this in a clear glass bottle in the refrigerator for use. On a hot summer day that will feel extra cooling!
You could also mix the essential oils in a lotion base such as homemade whipped coconut lotion if you prefer a cream bug repellent.
Have you tried an all natural bug repellent?
Any tips you can add? I would love to hear from you.
Pam is an experienced, professional, freelance B2B copywriter, consultant and trainer. She blends her love of studying God’s Word and interests in natural beauty, health and home alternatives and communication skills to bring you resources to improve your everyday life. You can also find her at

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