My daughter is growing stevia in the garden this year and we’ve been discussing how to use it, preserve it and all that.
Natural Alternative Better than Kool-Aid
I found this natural Kool-Aid alternative post from Deep Roots at Home and recently sent the ingredients to my daughter to try.
I was able to buy dried peppermint and hisbiscus flowers at our local health food store and sent Truvia packets for her to sweeten with since the store did’t have stevia herb.
If you have fresh herbs in your garden, use double the amount as dried herbs and loosely chop the sprigs. And you can use honey or stevia powder or extract as a sweetner as sugar alternatives. I have spearmint (I think it’s spearmint anyway!) growing in the flowerbed, think I’ll go look for a stevia plant today. Then I only have to buy hibiscus flowers.
With four boys and DH as taste-approvers, you can imagine that not everything passes muster with them all.
She reported back the same day she got her care package that they all LOVED it and it was a keeper!
See the recipe at ‘Better Than Kool-Aid’ Recipe | Deep Roots at Home.
Pam is an experienced, professional, freelance B2B copywriter, consultant and trainer. She blends her love of studying God’s Word and interests in natural beauty, health and home alternatives and communication skills to bring you resources to improve your everyday life. You can also find her at

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