Until recently I never thought about making all natural deodorant. Sure, I’ve had successes with homemade shampoos, and essential oils to treat anything from minor cuts, burns and bug bites to a homemade anti-wrinkle cream to pain relief blend and more (hint, hint: future post alerts!) . But anywhere you get good performing, all natural options […]
7 Essential Oils for Combatting Influenza
In case you need a quick reminder, influenza is a very contagious, viral infection of the upper respiratory system. Symptoms typically come on suddenly, and can include a high fever (100 degrees or more) or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone gets a full-on fever), dry cough, sore throat, severe muscle and joint aches and pains and […]
Homemade Whipped Coconut Lotion + Herbal Options
I am super excited that I actually was able to perfect this recipe and to finally share it. I’ve made slight variations about four times total, but keep coming back to version #3, which is what I’m sharing today. First I made a body butter. Very luxurious, but too greasy for my preferences. It seemed […]
How to Make Herbal Infused Vinegar Hair Rinse
Rinsing your hair with a vinegar rinse has been around since our grandmother and great-grandmother’s day. Vinegar actually appears to be an ancient superfood all on its own (look for a future post on that!), but for now, we are going to learn how to make herbal infused vinegar hair rinse. What Apple Cider Vinegar […]
3 Steps to Customizing Hair Deep Conditioner
Here is a super simple and effective way to use essential oils for customized deep conditioning treatments for specific hair types. The whole idea is based on the Essential Oils for Hair Chart. Here’s how to get started… 3 Steps to Customizing Hair Deep Conditioner 1. Find you hair type or problem area. Using the chart […]
How To Use Essential Oils For Specific Hair Types
In a previous post, we talked about the basics of beautiful hair. If you missed it, you can read it here, but hair loss, growth and damage basically boil down to three things: Genetics Diet, and the nutrients your diet provides Environmental factors – overworked, over processed and other chemical or handling factors that […]
Beautiful Hair Basics
Dear, dear friend and lover, you’re as beautiful as Tirzah, city of delights, Lovely as Jerusalem, city of dreams, the ravishing visions of my ecstasy. Your beauty is too much for me—I’m in over my head. I’m not used to this! I can’t take it in. Your hair flows and shimmers like a flock of […]